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Perusahaan selalu berorientasi pada profit. Semua sumberdaya dikerahkan untuk menekan cost serendah mungkin dibarengi pengharapan laba sebanyak mungkin. Ironisnya, dalam menekan cost, perusahaan akan menekankan pada aktifitas produksinya. Hal yang sering diabaikan adalah masalah keamanan.

Companies are always oriented towards profit. All resources are deployed to reduce costs as low as possible accompanied by the hope of profit as much as possible. Ironically, in suppressing the cost, the company will emphasize onactivities of production . It is often overlooked is the security problem.

Penggunaan sistem pengamanan harus sesuai dengan konteks obyek tersebut. Pengamanan yang tidak sesuai mengakibatkan penghamburan biaya. Hakikat pengamanan adalah mencegah loss prevention dari sebab apapun.

The use of security systems must be in accordance with the context object. Security inappropriate waste resulting costs. The essence of security is to

prevent loss prevention from any cause.